Saturday, June 16, 2012

Brotherly Love

Trenton cannot get enough of Bennett!  He is always asking about him and he constantly wants to help.  He knows where monitor is and watches Bennett on it.  If it isn't plugged in, he will go upstairs on his own and attach it to the cord informing you it is charging.  He frequently tells me he will get him when Bennett wakes up.  When I need a burp cloth, Trenton knows exactly where to find one and brings it to me.  Without asking, he will cover Bennett's legs with a blanket and tell me he was cold.  One night he refused to go to bed until he helped Mommy finish (really watching here) giving Bennett a bath.  If I'm changing Bennett's diaper, Trenton will carry his bathroom stool into the baby's room and climb up to stare calmingly into Bennett's eyes and say, "shhh, shhh, shhh" (to the exact same beat I do to Bennett) if he starts to cry.  Melts my heart!  What a precious big brother who obviously is so observant to what takes place around him.  I am so very thankful for this attribute! 

 Holding session--Trenton's favorite time of the day :)
Even though Bennett wasn't spitting up, Trenton pretended he was and would gently dab his mouth. 
Here he said he just wanted to lay with the baby.  Then he reached for Bennett's hand to hold it.  Ahhh!

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