Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cousins Meet Bennett

Kevin's brothers' family came down from Nashville to meet Bennett.  To the kids, I think they were more excited to see and play with each other.  It was a water day for us.  From the pool and water balloons to the hose and water table, the cousins had a blast.   

All set and ready for the push/pull to the pool!
Nothing is better than refreshing watermelon on a summer day!
Back home for a hotdog lunch and more water fun.
 Kevin spent quite sometime filling up water balloons for the kiddos.  They loved it! 
 One guess who got me dressed this morning?  Not worth the hassle of turning it around, but Mommy had to snap a picture of the inside out shirt that bother her all day!
 Sleeping "handsome" wakes long enough to be held.
 Riley was anxious to see little Bennett.  She is the biggest helper with her brothers and cousins!
 Meet Uncle Ryan Bennett!
More hose spraying fun.
 And splashing at the water table.
Oh, so this is my cousin.
Riley, Bennett, Chase, Hutch, Trenton.............lots of Wagers boys and only one lovely lady!

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