Friday, June 15, 2012

Mommy and Her Boys

This was our first official all-day of Mommy having the two boys by herself and it went so well!  Trenton tolerated Bennett's need to attention nicely and when Bennett was sleeping, which was a lot, we were able to play as usual.  Trenton moved from activity to activity in the backyard.  Both boys were down for naps by 1:45, a success in our household because Trenton's naptime had slowly pushed itself later and later.  The most challenging part of the day was when we were in the park, Trenton running around as Buzz Lightyear, and Bennett in my arms and I hear "tee-tee Mommom."  I knew there was no way of getting back to the house in time, so one handed I was able to unbutton Trenton's shorts and pull them down and we watered the shrubs.  It is just what you have to do sometimes!  And I guess you never realize your talents until put to the test--now buttoning them back up one handed was impossible! 

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