Friday, June 15, 2012

Stamps & More Photos

Trenton woke up from his nap to find me stuffing, stamping and addressing Bennett's birth announcements.  Of course, the first thing out of his mouth was "I help!"  He wouldn't even let me take his diaper off before he climbed up in the chair and grabbed the return address stamper.  This was the most fun job apparently.  So, consider yourself blessed if you received an announcement with partial, dull, multiple, crooked, or straight up sideways return address stamps on the envelope.  You have been touch by a 2 year old! 

Because I squeezed as many of the precious newborn photographs onto Bennett's birth announcemnt and there still were so many other good ones, I've attached a few more of my favortites!

And this is what makes taking pictures of kids so difficult! Thanks for working with us, Katie!

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