Saturday, July 14, 2012


The smiles tell exactly what Trenton (and everyone else!) thought about the houseboat this weekend!  FUN!  Although it rained half the time up in Tennessee this trip, the weather did not stop us from enjoying the lake.  We were able to get ski/wakeboarding/surfing runs in each day in between the storms as well as some swimming.  Trenton liked getting back out on the water with Daddy and doing his surfing tricks.  We celebrated Riley and PaPaw's birthdays with the family with presents and cake pops--delicious!  Sunday morning we cruised out on the lake to the dam to have breakfast on the top.  This was Bennett's first cruise...I think he enjoyed it!  It also reconfirmed Trenton's thoughts about this house on the lake.  Is IS a boat!  :)  Such a nice, relaxing weekend with the fam!
A walk on the dock is usually one of the first things we do after arriving at the houseboat.  We look for fish, turtles and ducks, and Trenton gets distracted by the spiders, anchors and locks....such a boy!  If a slip is empty, Trenton asks, "Where is PaPaw's boat?"   I think he assumes all boats are PaPaws! :)
And look what we found.....turtles!!
Here is a Mommy and her baby on her back.
GiGi plays with the boys after their baths.
Trenton is ready for a catch.  PaPaw wrestles with the boys.  It was just the boys this night because Riley had a swim meet and birthday party.  They really bonded!
Oh no, PaPaw tied the boys together in a knot!
Time for Trenton to drive the boat!  It's one of his favorite activities at the lake!
Chase, PaPaw and Trenton
I think he likes the wind in his hair!  :)
More driving.....
And more driving.....
Chase and Trenton go fishing with their nets.  Chase caught a lizard and Trenton caught a fish!
Aunt Suzy with Hutch and Mommy with Bennett, the two newest sailors! (Sorry for the blur, the lens fog up from the cold houseboat temps inside and the humidity outside.)
Riley pouts because they have to get out because of the thunder and lightning. Who wants to miss out on the lake fun?!
Trenton and his kickboarda (as he calls any board now.)  Who has my towel?
Uncle Ryan!!!  PaPaw and Bennett relax together on the back deck.
Cake pops.....need I say more?  Look at those smiles! 
The sunset was beautiful off the back of the houseboat, even if we were parked at the barn and it was a rather rainy Saturday!
The boys instantly climb into the box to play together.  They were big buds on the houseboat this weekend.
Riley and PaPaw unwrap their birthday presents. Chase and Trenton offer some help to PaPaw.
PaPaw and GiGi sporting identical Predators hockey jerseys. (GiGi got one for her birthday last month!)
Who needs toys when you have a huge box and paper?

Boo!!!  They would go inside and close the box, then pop out the top!
Trenton likes ropes and boards from his experience at the houseboat.  He is playing with them here pretending to ski and then fall in the water.  "I'm ok!" he always yells.  At our house it is a belt and kickboard usually.
Trenton Luke Wagers.....part bulldog on the Crimson Commodore houseboat.  Go Dawgs!
Trenton and PaPaw enjoy the view from the Captain's chair.
Trenton takes a look at the Center Hill Dam off in the distance.
Preparing the breakfast burritos.
Bennett's first houseboat cruise.......even if it was only for breakfast.
Propped up and enjoying the breeze.
The grandkids keep Captain PaPaw company as he drives the boat. 
Bennett relaxed on the top of the houseboat in his lounge chair.
Cutie pie!
 Playin' with my Daddy!
 Swimmin' back to the boat.
 Chillin' on a raft.  Life is all fun for a 2 year old!
Tickets is a game of Trenton's.  It first developed from playing at the trainground in the Marietta Square where Trenton would give you leaves as tickets through the ticket booth rails.  Whether leaves, paper, or imaginary items, he constantly passes out tickets.  He convinced Chase to play his fun game, too.

 Trenton loves watching his Daddy out on the water performing all his tricks!  He even gives some a try himself!
Daddy races against the storm as he wakeboards back into the marina.
Jumping the wake along the way.....
And doing back rolls!

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