Thursday, July 12, 2012

Riley's 5th Birthday

We were so excited to be able to celebrate Riley's 5th birthday with her and her friends!  Her party was on a Thursday and fell during Kevin's busy time.  We weren't quite sure if we would make it.  GiGi came down to Atlanta the day before and together she and I took the boys up to Tennessee for the event.  It was helpful having her with us in the car because I have to stop to nurse about every 3 hours and Nashville was almost 4 hours.  We stopped just outside of Chattanooga for lunch and let Trenton get his sillies out while I nursed.  Once back on the road, Trenton played in his carseat for the remaining two hour drive.  It was amazing--no DVD player even!  (Usually we have that to entertain him but a cord was accidentally left in Daddy's car.)  We were impressed.

Riley had a Monkey Joes birthday party.  It had been about a year since I had taken Trenton to Monkey Joes.  It was a little intimidating the first time because the bounce houses were large and big kids were bouncing all over the place.  A toddler couldn't do much and was likely to get hurt.  Not this time, Trenton was all over the place!  There wasn't a bounce house he didn't try or a climb he couldn't do.  It was nice to have his cousins Riley and Chase there right along side him. Riley and Trenton were like Maverick and Iceman much of the time!
GiGi and Bennett ready for his first roadtrip!
Trenton immediately ran into the bouncehouse even before the birthday people had arrived!
Then, Riley got there and Trenton and she had a good ol' time together!

Laughing and smiling all the way!
I couldn't get him to pause long enough for a decent picture.
Trenton and Brooks enjoy the pizza, juice, and cake together before being the first kids back out into the bouncing arena!
Trenton and Aunt Suzy sing happy birthday to Riley! 
GiGi was a big help holding Bennett while I chased Trenton around Monkey Joes.  Riley blows out her candles!  Happy 5th Birthday!
Mommy with Bennett and Melanie with Colson. 

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