Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 4: Weekday Ministries

I am grateful for the Weekday Ministries.  I never knew how much Trenton craved preschool until this year, and I am now in awe of the specialized programs they host at their facility.  For weeks, it sat on my heart to get Trenton started in a preschool, but there were so many factors....distance, days, times, sitter, etc.  It was one of the best decisions I have ever made to enroll him there.  He feels secure, welcomed, loved, productive, and challenged all at the same time.  Everywhere we look we see his teacher and classmates, and he is beyond excited each time.  He obviously is developing friendship all on his own (and growing up!)  I admire the impact the whole Weekday Ministry has on families and the events they host for the community.  It is one strong program, instilling essential principals in the lives of our children, fostering a nurturing environment with the teachers they hire, and educating our kids in an engaging manner.  I'm forever thankful for our sitter (who is another day of writing in herself!) because she arranged her schedule to help us out with this experience, and look forward to Bennett joining Weekday Ministries in the future. I would recommend the school to anyone!

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