Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Night

Christmas Eve service was at 3:00.  Bennett fell asleep on the drive home for the urgent care at 11:30 and stayed asleep until we woke him at 2:30 to go to church.  We debated one of us staying home, but thought he was going to wake any moment, the children's service would last less than 30 minutes, and he would sit on our lap anyway.  We brought him.  Even though he was not quite himself, he enjoyed watching the other kids dress up.  Preschoolers were still angels (Trenton), 5 year olds became shepherds.  I wondered how he would react to this but he was excited.  Thank goodness! 
Trenton reading the hymnal before the service begins.  Then, he gets excited as the procession of the Christmas Story begins. 
 Trenton up front as an angel in the story.  Droopy eyed Bennett hanging in there. 
 Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus surrounded by the shepherds and angels.
 Family photo before leaving for dinner at our house.  Granna made a spectacular broccoli cheddar soup!
 Christmas Eve 2013: Bennett-1 and Trenton-3
Granna and Opa made a special Twas the Night Before Christmas recorded storybook for the boys.  They read it together that night.  The day got worse for Bennett. We striped him down trying to reduce his fever of 105!  The ibuprofen had already worn off so the on call doctor said to jump start the next dose, although it had only been 5 hours. 
Trenton leaving cookies and milk out for Santa on his new cookies for Santa platter.  Don't worry, he didn't forget the carrots for the reindeer! 

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