Wednesday, December 25, 2013

We Made the Nice List!

It was unexplainable to witness the excitement one little 3 year old had Christmas morning!  He first thought Santa hadn't come because from our stairs you see into the playroom where our tree was set up.  However, as he turned the corner and caught sight of the fireplace, Trenton realized Santa had definitely stopped by our house!  At the same time, my heart broke for Bennett who wasn't really able to enjoy it.  He woke up hot with another fever.  Eventually, he livened up (somewhat) to play with his toys but he didn't have the energy to open them.  Good thing he has a helpful brother.  Trenton thoroughly enjoyed opening all of his presents and his little brother's.  It was just one of those years. 
 Santa left the boys big wheels!
 Trenton dumped out his stocking immediately.  Two findings were gum and head band for out in the cold. 
 Trenton's feet were a little short of the pedals to maintain movement, but he managed to give it a spin around the house.
 He was super excited about his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Shellraiser van.
 Bennett stayed in our laps as Trenton went from present to present. 
 More ninja turtle characters, too!
 Bennett did enjoy building a tower out of his stacking cups and then knocking it down. 
 Bennett and Daddy opening a wallet!  Now Bennett has a place to store his money!  (Trenton actually asked Chippey our Elf if Santa could bring Bennett a wallet because Bennett was playing with Trenton's all the time.)
 Granna and Opa spend the night at our house to share the excitement of Christmas morning.
 Poor baby is already feeling tired again. 
 Trenton gave us a box of special creations from school.  It was fun to open it up and see his projects.
 Trenton played Santa's helper and brought in the presents from under the tree.
 Pumpkin bread and pigs n the blanket in the little playhouse.  Trenton playing with the Octopod. 
 Bennett giving his version of the big wheel a try. 
 Piling his shopping cart full.  Looks like Mommy at the grocery store!
 Bennett and Opa doodling on the magnetic board.
 Trenton and Granna playing ice cream parlor.
 Trenton and Bennett with the shellraiser van.  Thanks for assembling Daddy!
Playing with the remote control car from Uncle Brad and Aunt Jacquelyn.
 Bennett watches on.  Trenton sure is proud of this gift and for Uncle Brad showing him how to drive it! 
Family Christmas photo

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