Friday, February 28, 2014

Donuts with Dads

Kevin had Donuts with Dads at Trenton's preschool.  Trenton was so excited to have his dad come to school with him.  He showed him everything possible in his classroom.  They read books and Trenton introduced him as "Kevin" to everyone he saw.  It was cute!  Wish I was there! 
 Mustaches with their dads
This is cute!  Trenton filled it out about his Daddy.  What a keepsake!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Haircuts and Ice Cream

Trenton was in need of a haircut.  Afterwards, we walked across the parking lot to Brusters.  There is nothing like a new do and ice cream!  What a treat!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Bye-Bye Buddies

Our good friends, The Powell, are moving to Texas.  We had to let the boys play just one more time before they leave town so we met for a quick afternoon run-around at the playground.  We are sad to see them go!  At least it is a state we visit every year.  :)  We will definitely keep in touch!
Rollins, Sawyer, Bennett, Trenton and Hudson

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Model Trains, Toy Trains and Real Trains

Saturday, there was a free event at the Civil War and Locomotive History Museum in Kennesaw.  Since I wasn't sure what the museum had to offer for kids, I thought this would be the best opportunity to try it out.  Even if our stay was short, it didn't cost a thing.  No big deal.  We left daddy at home to work in the woods burning briars and headed out for a morning adventure with trains!
Walking through the train car outside the museum.  Trenton said, "This thing is old!"  Climbing on the foam train in the kids' section of the museum.
Bennett enjoyed playing with the train table.  We really need to build ours back.  It got messed up by our cousin Hutch over Thanksgiving and Daddy hasn't put it together again.  Maybe this weekend we can convince him. 
 Make yourself at home, boys!  They laid right out in the middle of the floor to watch the train video.
From whistles and chugs to brakes and crossings, Bennett had fun discovering the sounds trains make.  Follow the railroad track.  Where will it take us?
To a great big train!!!  Seeing the enormous General (that was stolen from the Yankees during the Civil War) was breathtaking!  It was shiny and huge!  Trenton ran right by it, but Bennett stopped for a stare.  Green means go, red means stop and yellow means caution.  Time to play again!
After the museum, we played at the playground across the street.  In no time at all, a train passed by.  The boys ran to the fence to watch. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Valentine's Day Preschool Party

I felt honored to volunteer at Trenton's Valentine's Day preschool party. I will jump at any chance to ever go to his classroom!  (I'm a bit jealous today because Kevin has Donuts for Dads!)  Trenton likes me being there and showing off all that they learn/do.  His teacher is amazing, and he really loves his friends that he has made there!  Seeing the joy he has when he is at preschool is beyond words.  I hate seeing him grow up, but I love the opportunities he has!  We read If You'll Be My Valentine by Cynthia Rylant, made scarves, filled Valentine mailboxes, and ate healthy red treats. It was a perfect way to show others you care!   
 Trenton and Jack L. eating red fruit (strawberries and watermelon) in recognition of Valentine's Day.
 The kids made heart crowns with their teacher and scarves with me. 
 Such a happy, happy boy at the Weekday Ministries!  He was so excited to bring home all his Valentines.  Every kids had a mailbox that their friends stuffed with valentine goodies.  We needed overflow bags, too!
Wouldn't this just melt your heart?  Every month there is a color and shape the kids paint.  This was on the wall outside Trenton's classroom.  So sweet! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Zoo with Buddies

We took Trenton's best friend from school, Jack, to the zoo over the long break.  It was another sunny day there.  The boys had fun roaming together and Bennett was right there with them!
 All 3 boys check out the parakeets.  T can barely reach for his head hole.  What cute meerkats!
 The lions were so active!  We actually never caught them awake.  The mother, father and 3 baby lions were all out for the 1st time.  
 I pushed all 3 and Amelia, Jack's little sister, stayed in her stroller.  
 I love this picture!  When we got to the 2nd viewing spot for the lions, the male was high up looking out on his territory.  It reminded me so much of The Lion King.
 Bennett thought he was the cutest thing ever poising with the gorilla momma.  He plopped himself down and said cheese before I even thought to take a picture.  Good thing my phone was near! 
We ended up taking advantage of the opportunity to take a pictures with all the kids. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Greatest Show on Earth!

For President's Day, Trenton was off preschool.  We, once again, grabbed Opa to join us at the Barnum and Bailey circus downtown at Phillips Arena.  We chose the 11:00 show thinking 3:00 was nap time and 7:00 was bedtime.  In the end, we learned that even 11:00 can be nap time.  Poor Trenton Luke was dog tired!  He fell asleep an hour in and missed half the show.  Although Bennett was tired, he kept reciting "atch, atch" (watch) and never fell asleep.  That kid can stay awake during anything!  It was pretty much deja vu from the G-Day game in Athens last year.  Lucky for us, we got to the show an hour ahead of time to go down on the floor.  We saw demonstrations and clowns up close, and got special circus treats.  That was cool!  Of course Trenton's favorite part was the laser gun Opa bought him.
 What clowns!  Bennett and Opa wear the clown noses!
Both the boys loved the clowns.  However, Trenton's face is hysterical and Bennett can't take his eyes off her.  You'd think they were afraid by this picture!  We sat on the floor and looked directly up at the amazing gymnastics above us.
 Trenton joined the dance party for kids.
 And of course, we couldn't resist Trenton's persistent mind.  He wanted that laser gun so badly. We gave in!  I actually brought a light up baton for Bennett.  (Trenton had one, too, but the gun was way cooler!)  Both boys had fun with their glowing toys!
We were just a few rows up from the floor!  Even better, the row directly in front of us was entirely empty.  Who knows why, but we were not complaining!  They were the best seats by ever! 
 The elephants are always fun to watch.
Then the acrobats came out with all sort of tricks and performances.  That was all the pics I could take.  Wiggle worms were on my lap for the duration.  :)
Except for this quick picture on the phone.  Opa made a good pillow!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Go, Go Power Wheels!

The snow has completely melted, minus a few large snow ball areas.  We thoroughly enjoyed the snow, but the sunshine today was wonderful!  The boys had the chance to take their power wheels out for a spin.  They rode those 4 wheelers all over the yard and cult de sac for an hour staight.  Time to recharge! 
 Bennett is hot stuff on his 4 wheeler!
 Trenton rides his like a champ!  He's up and over bumps.  He ran right over his remaining snow ball on the bottom left like it was nothing at all.  It surprised me how fast his 4 wheeler goes on grass. 
 He rides it down the cult de sac incline to the sidewalk or neighbors' yard to play. 
 I really do LOVE the location of our house inside our hilly neighborhood!  We luck out!  The boys have so much play space.  Trenton is in the background circling around. 
 They stopped to kick a snowball.  Only boys!
 It turned into ninja moves for Trenton.  He has sais created from sticks. 
 Bennett takes the thing on the grass, too.
 He is funny because he likes to crash it into something and then say, "Uh-oh!" and climb off to check things out. 
 He looks up at the tree and then cracks up.  Oh to be 1 again!!!
 He can be so so serious, too.  The painters across the street caught his attention. 
 Trenton successfully chopped the snowball in half!
You have to be careful.  Bennett sneaks onto Trenton's 4 wheeler when you are not looking.  He thinks it is hilarious, but it's way too fast for him unless you are holding on to him while it is going. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Breakfast at Bachmeiers

The 1st house we bought was in such a young, fun neighborhood.  We immediately because a part of the supper club.  It was not technically a neighborhood event, but numerous families with a lot in common got together once a month for a themed dinner.  The host cooked the entree and everyone else brought a side to share.  It was perfect!  Slowly people had babies and soon we were one of the only families left in Gardenside.  Now, we have all relocated.  The funny thing is some of us live really close now in our new houses.  The Bachmeiers hosted a brunch for some of the families to get back together.  4 of us made it!
Kate (Latourette....Horton fam) and Nia (Bachmeier) are 7.  Miles (Bachmeier) is 5.  Trenton (Wagers) and Lauren (Haldeman) are 4.  Sean (Haldeman), Liam (Horton) and Bennett (Wagers) are withine 2 weeks of each other.  Pretty crazy!  Every kids has someone to play with, and it is wonderful!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Will You Be My Valentine?

The boys got random toys for Valetine's Day this year.  Both got shovels (to help Daddy in the woods), bubble guns, and then Trenton got a lego figure case with a new lego to build and Bennett got a Buzz Lightyear vest.  We opened presents, had breakfast and saw Daddy off as he went to work.  Now, we became a bit stir crazy since it was the 4th day in a row without leaving the house.  Even though the roads appeared fine, preschool was canceled yet again.  I think the temps weren't above freezing at 6 when they have to make the call with buses.  So, around 9:30 after the sun had been shining for almost 3 hours, we headed to the mall.  There was no way we were staying cooped up another day when we could safely get out.  We made it there just as it opened.  We shopped, played in the soft play area, bought more Buzz Lightyear stuff (we are going through a huge phase again!) inside the Disney store, ate in the food court and rode the carousel.  With this crazy, snowy weather, we finally got around to cashing Trenton's birthday money from Aunt Carol.  He thought he was hot stuff buying one of the Buzz toys all by himself.  (Thanks Aunt Carol!)  It was a fun Valentine's Day with two of my men!  If only the other man in my life had the day off with us...... :(  At least the weekend is tomorrow!
Bennett loved the shovel.  Trenton loved Bennett's vest the most.  You win some, you lose some.  At least Bennett shares. :)
Eating Chickfila a that kids' table inside North Point Mall.
Trenton decided he actually wanted to ride the carousel sitting on the bench instead of on an animal. 
Bennett went for the animal, of course!