Saturday, February 28, 2015

Take It Easy

Kevin was out of town.  I had to keep the boys calm.  So, I tried to pull out building/creative toys one after the other to entertain these little munchkins and keep T from hyper play.  I did the best I could, but the doctor was certainly right when he said, "He'll bounce right back after surgery."  
Playdough dentist set
Magna tiles.....this was our elephant.
Easter decorations....window stickers
.....wooden painted eggs..... bunny pictures.....
Easter egg lei.
Girl Scout cookies and hot chocolate.  (I'll let you guess the one of the two they liked.)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Who Would Have Thought?

We would have our biggest snow of the year on the day of Trenton's surgery. Why does it happen like that?  We're thankful we were able to appreciate it and enjoy it the best we could.  
Around 4 pm the snow started, and the flakes were huge!  Poor Bennett had to wait for Daddy to get home from work because Trenton was still napping, and I needed to be able to hear if he woke and needed me because of his surgery.
Daddy saved the day and got home within 10 mins of the huge flakes.  Bennett had so much fun playing in the snow with him!
 Then, Trenton woke and saw them outside.  Pitiful.  Who couldn't let their child out in that?  We just had to be extra careful and keep him by our side.
So, the smile returned and we cautiously let Trenton walk around.  We'd hand him snow balls so he didn't have to bend down.
I'm so glad Trenton was feeling well enough to enjoy it.  It was beautiful and is so exciting for children this age.  We certainly would have missed out!
All in all we had about 3 inches at our house with big flurries falling for a good couple hours.  However, it was short lived.  By nightfall, the snow was rain, and consequently, somewhat melting the snow that was already on the ground.  Boo! :(
A little view of our snow day.

Surgery Day

I barely slept last night.  Partly because we had to leave our house by 4:30 in the morning to get to Egleston Children's Hospital before 6 am and partly because of my nerves as Trenton's surgery gets close.  We had a steady flow of nurses explaining protocol and paperwork but around 7:30 he was wheeled away on his bed.  The 45 min surgery felt long, but soon we received a call that Dr. Meisel was finished and Trenton was in recovery.  It was an additional 30 mins before we got to hug our little boy again.  All went well and we are thankful for everyone's prayers, texts and calls.  Our family and friends definitely helped ease the anxiety.  We are blessed to have you in our lives!
Trenton had a couple presents when he woke up Wednesday morning.  He got new Big Hero 6 pjs to wear to the hospital and Batman Lego Duplo set.  
A before and after picture of Trenton's umbilical hernia.  The surgeons went through his belly button to do the repair.  All stitching is interior, minus a couple you see on the actual belly button, then surgical glue sealed was placed on top.  No bandages or gauze, which he loved.  He hates band-aids!
 Happy camper getting his vital signs.  Doing a "girly" dance as he told us in his gown.  Haha!
When the medicine kicked in, he became a different child.  This is stage 1 of anesthesia before they take him back and put him under.  It helps with separation.   
Trenton giving the thumbs up when he returned to his room after recovery.  Two popsicles in and half a bag of goldfish down, he is all grins again!  I love this sight!  He even asked the nurse for a wheel chair to the car, which they gladly arranged.  They said, "He is the happiest patient we have ever had!" and I believe it.
 Back home by 11 am recovering.  What a morning!  Bennett gave him Big Hero 6 and we made him a little place on the couch.  Granna gave him a bell to ring when he needed something.  Not that he always chose to use it, but it lasted for a couple days.  The cutest was when Bennett would run to Trenton and clearly ask, "Trenton, what do you need?" I was thankful Bennett was calm with Trenton and understood to the best of a 2 year old's ability that Trenton was healing.  That was a fear of mine since they love to wrestle and play wild together.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Final Hi-Yas

Well, it's time to get our wiggles out, fill our bellies, and enjoy some suds a little longer before surgery day arrives tomorrow.  Thank goodness all the ice melted so we could get out of the house!  We picked up Granna and Opa.  They needed an outing away from the house and could sit and watch the boys kick and hi-ya all they wanted.  
 Bennett and Opa ready to go to karate.  Everyone was so proud of Bennett and Trenton because they received their belts for reciting the 7 magic words.

After dropping off Granna and Opa, I let Trenton chose where he wanted dinner.  Mellow Mushroom was a fantastic choice!  We love their pizza!  I had Trenton poise like the karate kid--we attempted at least.
Doc says no baths for a bit after surgery, so we had a little silly fun during tubtime tonight.

Early Morning Snow

Well, they were early to call school last week but late this morning.  It's tough being them.  I was just glad I looked at Cobb's website right before leaving and learned we were delayed 2 hours!  Perfect!  We sent Daddy on his merry way to work and played in the snow before school.  Then, the day got even better when we learned it was changed from delayed to canceled.  Playing in the snow was a great way to spend Trenton's pre-surgery day!
 The sun might not be out yet, but we are.......and playing in the snow!
 It might have only been an inch or tad bit more, but it stuck and was enough to play in!
 The boys liked shoveling it.
 Then, Chase came out from down the street and they began a snowball fight.
 Love Chase's shorts!!!  Trenton got a big snowball going after awhile.
 It was enough to pull out the sled.
Here we go!!!
See the circle?  I felt like the horses going round and round on pony rides.  What a workout!

Monday, February 23, 2015


My oh my do we experience static in our family!  Check out these bounce house pictures!
 Any resemblance with my cabbage patch??
 Here's where the static initiates.....friction!
 Bennett's hair was the best!
 Silly boys
Cracks us up!!!!