Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Houston....We Have a Tooth!

While watering the flowers, Mommy made a discovery. As Trenton grabbed her finger to chew on it, Mommy felt Trenton's first tooth! We knew it was coming at some point, but it is finally here. The little, sharp edges were a dead give away to what lies ahead. It looks like two other bottom teeth are close (you can see them right below the gums) but this one has poked its way through. Congratulations Trenton!

Gnawing on his hands......

Drooling like crazy......

Can only mean one thing....teeth! If you look closely, you'll see Trenton's bottom left tooth popping through his gums.

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Mommy & Daddy's 2nd Anniversary

Today was Mommy and Daddy's second anniversary. Mommy and Trenton met Daddy after work at Genki to have dinner. During the day, Mommy and Trenton had written Daddy an anniversary poem, and we were excited to give it to him. Daddy loved it!

Dinner was eventful. Little Trenton has become quite social and tonight was nothing from the ordinary. All we could do was laugh when he'd squeal in excitement. It seems that once he gets started, it takes a little bit for it to stop. Also, we quickly learned that sushi and a baby don't mix. It is probably one of the most difficult dinners we could have chosen. Nevertheless, it was fun to have Trenton there to celebrate the occasion with us.

Towards the end of dinner we had to take turns standing with him. He was becoming antsy to go to sleep. He is used to having a quick 30 minute nap around 6 and then going to bed between 7-8. It's just the routine he established early on. Well, the environment of the restaurant prevented the nap from occurring during dinner because Trenton was so interested in what was going on around him. So, when dinner ended at 7:00 (yes, early dinners these days!) Trenton was beyond ready to sleep. Before we could get out of the parking lot Trenton was fast asleep in his car seat.

We put him in his crib immediately once we got home and thought that maybe he'd wake up in an hour or two ready for his dinner. Not this boy! In his clothes from the day, a diaper that hadn't been changed since before dinner, and without dinner himself, Trenton was out to the world! He looked so peaceful laying in his crib that we couldn't bare to wake him.....we aren't bad parents, I promise! It wasn't until 6:30 the following morning that we heard a peep from him. Guess date nights wear him out!

Daddy's anniversary poem

chop sticks + baby = a challenge

Opening champagne that we saved from our wedding night. (Last year Mommy was pregnant so we postponed the bottle until our 2nd anniversary.)

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Sunday

Sundays seem to be such relaxing family days for us. We went to church this morning and realized that Trenton is not so much of a baby anymore there, and it is getting harder to keep him with us at our seats. He is so interested in what is happening around him, and it's not so easy to settle him into sleep like it used to be. He never cries luckily, but he was fully awake for the first half of the worship service. Mommy was on the edge of her seat thinking Trenton was going to start "talking".....which still consists of screeches and squeals, most of which we usually love to hear. We spent much of the first bit of the service in the soothing room right outside the sanctuary "playing" because Mommy was afraid that he'd get loud sitting in the pew. He finally wore himself out playing about halfway through church, and we were able to join everyone else as the sermon was starting. He slept soundly from then until the car ride home getting a nice 30 minute nap in. As soon as Trenton learns to sit up on his own, I think we are ready to utilize the church nursery. He'll probably love watching and playing with all the other kids in there.

After church our friends Angel and Peter brought their little boy, Will, over for lunch. The boys were really cute together. Will is a couple months older than Trenton so we could see all the fun activities that lie ahead. It still amazes us that so much happens in no time at all. Will sits, crawls, has seven teeth.....Trenton can't sit by himself yet, wants to crawl, and is still bares all gums. It won't stay like this much longer, though.

We spent the evening at Home Depot. Mommy and Daddy are looking to spruce up the yard and patio area. Trenton fell asleep in the stroller soon after getting to the store. Mommy and Daddy spent some more time browsing the store thinking he'd wake soon, but he was out like a light. Daddy needed to run another errand but we didn't want to wake Trenton. So, Mommy stayed in Home Depot walking the aisles and pushing Trenton while he slept....wish we had a picture of this! :) Nevertheless, it was a nice, cool walk compared to the hot 'lanta weather. Thirty minutes later, we were calling Daddy to come get us. Finally, Trenton was awake and Mommy was tired of getting the weird looks. It was time to get out of there. The things you do for babies! :)

Will and Trenton. Trenton's favorite toy lately is his foot. He constantly is holding it!

Angel and Will

Mommy came home and got a kick out of Daddy wearing the bjorn, his coordinating outfit, and the fact that they were "tending to the crops" (or watering the flowers but Daddy won't call it that!) Trenton loves spending time with his Daddy.

Trenton is all grins about being 24 weeks old!

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pool Party Bike Parade

Gardenside had their annual pool party today. To kick off the pool party, they held a bike parade for the kids. Since Trenton wasn't old enough for a bike, Granna and Mommy decorated his stroller so he could join in the fun. All the kids rode around the block and had a great time.

Trenton is ready for the bike (or stroller) parade.

The supper club kids are ready! From left to right: Mac, Trenton, Nia, Miles, Jack, Kate

Mommy and Daddy are ready to walk in the parade and push Trenton.

Trenton loved watching all the kids!

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tomatoes and Hummingbird!

All our watering in the bjorn has paid off! Our first tomatoes turned from green to red this week! Trenton and Daddy picked them after work, and Mommy and Daddy had them with our dinner. Now, we look everyday to see if we have new tomatoes turning red. We can't wait to see more ripen and go pick them!

In addition to the tomatoes, our gladiolus are blooming nicely. Each morning around 10:00 we see a hummingbird in our backyard sucking nectar from the blossoms. He travels from flower to flower before zooming off. (We'll have to take a picture on it the next time we see it and add it to the blog.) Daddy says we can hang a hummingbird feeder now that we know they are around our house. This is exciting! Who know what else we might see?!

Our first two red tomatoes.

Daddy and Trenton pick the ripen tomatoes.

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Happy first Father's Day, Daddy! Trenton put on his Alabama Championship onesie just for the occassion. Although we gave Daddy his big Father's Day present, a Garmin navigation system, a week ago for a trip, we had another little gift for him. He had been driving Mommy's car with a Georgia G, so we gave him an Alabama A to add to the car. Gotta represent both school now, but we all know Trenton's a bulldawg at heart! Just kidding, Daddy! :) We enjoyed a nice lunch afterward with Granna, Opa, Uncle Brad and Aunt Jacquelyn.

Happy first Father's Day! I love you, Daddy!

Trenton showing off his Alabama Championship onesie.

Trenton giving Opa his homemade card and day trip to the Botanical Gardens for the new Canopy Walk.

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Reunion Weekend

This weekend was Mommy's high school reunion. It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since high school! Our good friends Hank and Katherine came into town from Virginia Beach to go to the reunion with us. We hosted a get together at our house on Friday, in which our close girlfriends could introduce spouses and catch up. Out of the girls from high school, two are new mommies, two are preggers., one is newly engaged, and almost all are married...pretty neat to see how people's lives have changed! Trenton enjoyed meeting everyone at the BBQ, although he was in asleep by 7:30. Then he got to spend the night at Granna and Opa's on Saturday while we went to the reunion.

Trenton loves Hank!

Back: Chrissy, Shari, Lane
Middle: Me, Kaley, Cate, Kristen
Front: Katherine, Spring, Allison

Daddy, Mommy, Katherine, Hank and Trenton

Bubbles Everywhere!

This morning, we got out Trenton's bumbo seat and enjoyed playing bubbles on the front porch. Trenton would almost jump out of his seat in excitement. I could not keep the bubbles coming fast enough.....I was almost light headed from all the blowing. Who knew bubbles could be so fun?! We'll definitely have to play this again!

What are we going to play, Mommy?

Trenton tries to get the bubbles.

Trenton jumping out of his seat in excitement.

Bubbles are everywhere!!!

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sleeping Machine!

Trenton is a sleeping machine! He slept for his first 12 hour period last night. Suddenly, we're not able to keep him up past 8:00 anymore because he's so tired, and sleeping in past 8:00 in the morning is pretty amazing. Daddy left for work this morning saying, "I'm even leaving late and I don't get to see my boy!" We're thrilled that Trenton reached this milestone but it does mean less time with him. Sad!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thompson's Farewell

Our good friends from Franklin, John David and Lori, are moving to Africa for missionary work in July. We wanted to wish them farewell before they left so we had a little get together on the houseboat. The babies enjoyed playing in the blow-up pool on the top of the houseboat while the adults wake boarded, wake surfed, water skied and slalomed. Summer is definitely here! You could feel the heat so the little ones were running around in diapers to cool off....so cute!

Mommy and Trenton play with Brooks and Mrs. Melanie in the baby pool.

Trenton trying to figure out the raft.

Daddy, Mr. John David, Mr. Jimmy

Mrs. Lori, Mommy, Mrs. Melanie

Trenton loved drinking water from his new sippy cup that Uncle Ryan, Aunt Suzy, Riley and Chase had given him!

GiGi and Trenton enjoying the evening on the top of the houseboat.

Trenton, Riley, Chase playing in the tube. I think they're ready to be pulled!

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Friday, June 11, 2010


Although Trenton technically rolled his first roll early on (less than 2 months!), it was definitely an accidental roll and we weren't there to witness it. I even think it was when his mattress was inclined and we were still placing him to sleep on his back. Recently, Trenton has rolled over some more. However, he always seems to do it when we are not watching. Suddenly he is on his back. GiGi was here for one of them. Sometimes he is happy as can be and other times he is mad as a hen. The variable.....whether or not he just woke up or was just laid down. When Trenton wakes up, he immediately props himself on him elbows and starts playing. One thing leads to another and out of excitement, he has rolled to his back. Now on the other hand, when you lay him down, sometimes he will rock himself and wiggle into a comfortable position. You would never know he has rolled over except when you hear the death scream and go check on him. Poor little Trenton has wiggled himself way up in the bed and rolled onto his back. Now he can't fall asleep because he can't get back to his stomach and that is how he likes to sleep. Thankfully this has happened during naps and not during the night!

Trenton excited about his roll.

No so much here.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy 5 Month Birthday!

I don't know where the time is going? Trenton is now 5 months old! Crazy! We didn't have a doctor's appointment this month, so unfortunately do not really know Trenton's weight. We put him on our scale at home but can only tell the pounds since it isn't geared toward a baby ounces. And just so you know, we contemplated putting him in the produce scale at the grocery store for a more accurate reading then our scale at home but figured we might get a few weird looks. So, we're just going to say he is about 15 lbs. Sounds about right to us.

Our growing boy started a lot of thing for the first time this month. He began eating solids and drinking water. We kind of just stumbled across the water thing. I don't think I ever told Kevin that he started drinking water either, and one day he was rattling his glass in front of Trenton. He thought Trenton liked hearing the ice shake in his glass but I had to inform him he was only teasing him and that Trenton wanted a sip. He was amazed as Trenton took a tiny sip of his water. Now it is hard to have a glass in front of Trenton because he wants some. When he hears you filling up your glass at the refrigerator, he instantly turns his head to look. When you pull a glass toward your mouth, his mouth opens. It is really cute to watch.

Trenton really enjoys eating food, too. We have only tried rice cereal, bananas, and apples today. It seems to be going well, but the change in his diet has definitely effected his digestive system. Let's just say we were praying for a dirty!

We have wondered for awhile now if Trenton is teething. No teeth have popped up yet, but his drool is out of control. In addition, everything (and we mean everything!) goes into his mouth. When I'm holding him, he'll start grabbing at my face and kissing me. I think this is because I'm always kissing all over him. Before I know it, he is gnawing on my chin. It is hard to tell if his gums are swollen, though, so who knows how soon (or far) the teething stage actually is.

As he has grown, his desire for more activity has become obvious. Everyday he uses his exersaucer, doorway jumper, and activity mat. The doorway jumper is still a little too big for him, but he loves spinning himself around and gets excited knowing you are watching him. Although his attention span at these items only seems to be about 15 minutes, it is easy to see that he loves moving and playing. We just go from toy to toy, and in between feedings and naps, this seems to fill our day. He squeals at each "station" overjoyed with the himself.

Trenton still loves the bjorn. Our newest adventure has been shopping in the bjorn. I take him to Publix all the time now. I grab the cart, and he grabs my wrists. Together we shop. It is amazing. So far, he hasn't made a peep grocery shopping. I think he is fascinated with all that is around him. Before we make it home (and Publix is only 1 mile away) Trenton has fallen asleep in the car. I always carry him to his crib where he continues to sleep for about another hour. Shopping is exhausting, I guess.

I never would have thought I would teach Trenton a bad habit, but apparently I have. To catch his attention when he gets fussy or upset, I do motorboat with my lips. Trenton absolutely loves it! No matter what is going on or the situation that upset him, he instantly smiles and laughs. Great, or so we thought, until a few days later when Trenton started doing it. His version is pressing his lips together and blowing so hard that he becomes red in the face. However, you get showered with spit, and the spit is also all over him. (Embarrassing in public!) This, in combination with the drooling, leads to one wet baby! The funniest part about it is that he randomly starts it. He'll look at you and expect you to do it back. If you ignore it, he keeps going and going waiting patiently for you to join in. You feel so bad looking at him because he just wants you to play "motorboat" with him. You end up giving in. I keep my fingers crossed that he'll learn the real way to do it soon or maybe completely forget about it.

Last but not least, Trenton's baths have become even more entertaining; both for us and Trenton. He has realized how much fun it is to kick the water and splash around. Thus, we have turned his baths into an almost every night thing.

What a fun little baby we have on our hands! We are so lucky!

Do you really think this paper is going to still in the picture now that I'm 5 months old?

Mommy got the picture with a her quick hand!

I might be little but I am still able to swing and play on the doorway jumper. Just wait until I'm older....I will dominate on this thing!

Drooling on Opa and Granna

Trenton is so excited about bathtime!

Is it time to splash?
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