Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blue Ridge Mountains

We took a trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains to enjoy the great outdoors. Our cabin was on the Toccoa River and had a perfect layout for Trenton. He loved all the space on the main floor, but his favorite thing was to be outside. Mud, dirt, sticks, pinecones and name it; they all became Trenton's toys. Yep, I'd say we have all boy here!

Since the cabin was directly on the water, the big boys would fish every chance they had. Poor Trenton could only watch because he was too little. One day you will be out there with them, Trent! Although Daddy didn't have a catch, Opa had a dozen, including a huge rainbow trout. It was impressive! At the same time, Trenton couldn't even get that close to the river because it was dangerous. Needless to say, it was tiring staying "on guard" while he was playing. Luckily, he would occupy himself with puddles and dirt frequently giving us a few breaks.

Mommy, Granna, Opa and Trenton took a hike while we waited for Daddy to get off work. It was Mommy's first time with the back carrier. Trenton seemed to still enjoy it. It was a short, sweet hike--perfect for the additional back weight!

We took Trenton to his first apple orchard, Mercier Orchards. He loved sitting on the big tractor and tasting their homemade applesauce and apple cider. The adults also enjoyed taking home an apple pie for dessert later! Mommy got a bag of mutzu apples to bring home, which she had never had before. The orchard had a toy section and Trenton definitely got curious in there testing out the country boy toys.

One of our highlights from the trip was the day trip to the swinging bridge. Opa had found this fun hike; however, we were worried about how Granna would deal with the 3 mile off roading experience and the bridge suspended above the river. She did great and Daddy was in heaven hitting mud puddles along the drive. It was a perfect hike because once you were over the bridge, the land was shaded and flat. Trenton could run around safely and play for a bit before getting back into his carrier.

We're ready for the waterfall hike!

Trenton liked seeing the waterfall splash at the top of the hike.

Trenton disregards Opa fishing on the banks to play with the leaves.

He was so interested in the ground and all its mess!

Whoa! Look at Opa's big catch!

Trenton's first ride on a tracker!

What a big boy driving the tractor!

Our little Tom Sawyer with his 'coon hat on his head and a slingshot in his hand!

A hiking we will go! A hiking we will go! (That was the theme song on our hikes and Trenton sings outloud with the best of them!)

Trenton loves his Granna and Opa!

Granna made it onto the bridge (and she even crossed it!)

Here we are about to cross the bridge!

Even Trenton was fascinated with the water rushing below.

It was a gorgeous sight to see the sunlight hitting the water and the swinging bridge overhead.

Trenton and Granna grab a snack.

Yay, time to play!

Trenton would pick up anything that caught his eye.

Mommy and Trenton play peek-a-boo around the hemlocks.

Trenton liked to push his truck on the gravel road outside the cabin and fill the back of it with treasures (aka rocks and twigs!)

Granna showed Trenton how to throw rock in the puddles to keep him away from the river, but then we had to keep him out of the mud!

Swinging in the hammock was fun!

Oops, my lil' leggies have fallen through!

This is the story of our life lately.......chasing Trent!

Trenton said Opa for the first time this weekend! He is the first person, besides Mommy and Daddy, he has been able to say. Ah, he loves his Opa!

Just a swingin' with my Daddy!

Trenton found "Woody" and "Slim" the infamous hiking sticks and loved hiking with them. He can't wait to have his own one day!
Back to grab lunch at Mercier Orchards before leaving town!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mr. Activity!

Trenton is full of energy these days and he is wearing me out! He is so active with everything he does. Mommy does her best to keep up, but it is definitely a chase throughout the day. This morning he was swinging from his clothes in his closet like Tarzan while climbing in and out of his laundry basket. Soon, he wore himself out and went down for his first nap. That is one thing we're certainly thankful for--a great napper! He still takes two a day and this is a well-needed break. We are glad he is on such a wonderful schedule. Both GiGi and Granna have compliemented how easy he is because of his schedule, so we are glad we worked hard to implement it from the beginning.

Dining out is entertaining these days, too. Trenton and Mommy met up with Mommy's friend Amanda for lunch at Fickle Pickle. He was toddling all about the restuarant when we first got there, smiling at each person who caught his eye. From that he went to turning completely around in his his high chair, to standing up in it (Mommy stood guard, don't worry!), to running around the picnic area of the restaurant after lunch. He met a little girl about a year old than him who would hold his hand while playing. It was cute. When we had to leave, she bent to kiss him good-bye, smack dab on the lips before I could react. Trenton then returned the favor with his wide-open stype of kissing. He is in a stage of loving to give kisses. Yes, he crashed on the ride home once again. But, less than an hour after we were home, he woke ready to go full force again.

It was outside playtime now. We took our infamous trike ride around the neighborhood while stopping at the playground to play. It surprises me that Trenton recognizes his own house at such a young age. He doesn't always see the front of it since our driveway is around back and we often playing the backyard. Nevertheless, he points at our house each time we approach it. Guess he has learn something more than how to open the mailbox and carry in the mail from our walks to the mailbox each afternoon. :)

Night came quickly and he was ready for bed. Sleep tight, Trenton, we know you have to re-energize for tomorrow!

Me Tarzan, You Mommy-Jane! I can already see Kevin in him!

Such a curious, mischievous face!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Backyard Basketball

What a blessing to have all this gorgeous, spring-like weather in February! We took full advantage of the weather and grilled out. Daddy's friend from college, Ian, came over to join us. Trenton had so much fun playing basketball with him in the backyard! His skills are getting much better after all this practice!

One year old and already understanding a chest pass! Great job, Trent!

Slam Dunk! Thanks for the lift, Mr. Ian!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fun with GiGi!

GiGi was in town for the best weather ever! I think we almost had a record high for one of the days in February. Everyday, they played together outside, enjoying the nice sunshine. Trenton loved having GiGi push him on his trike. They would stop mid-lap to play at the neighborhood playground or run around the grass on the common grounds. Trenton found out that he loves tire swings! It is so funny because now Trenton points to the playground each time we walk laps in our neighborhood and wants to you stop. There's no slipping by it anymore--he's too alert!

Trenton matches his trike in his Georgia warm-up. GiGi has come a long way dressing him in Bulldawg attire! :)

The tire swing was a big hit with Trenton!
Climbing on the fort was fun!
I'm ready for a trike ride again, GiGi!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Haircut

Trenton had a special Valentine's Day. GiGi was in town so he was able to spend the day with her. He did his first craft with Mommy, which was making Valentine's Day cards with his footprints for Daddy, GiGi and PaPaw, Granna and Opa and Ms. Buckler. That was about all Trenton had the attention span for because he was more interested in touching the red ink. It almost turned into a disaster in the bathroom while making them! Needless to say, Trenton's artwork hung proudly from our fridge!

That afternoon, GiGi and Mommy took Trenton to get his first official haircut from a professional(not Granna and Mommy doing it!) and it was needed! It is so hard to think of him getting a haircut when he doesn't have that much hair at all. However, the mullet was back and a comb over was forming on the top of his head from a section of longer hair. Mommy couldn't believe how big he looked sitting in the barber's chair. He was very good as the lady trimmed his hair and he played endlessly with various toys she had in the shop. Although I don't think we will be back to Snip Its anytime soon with the rate his hair grows, we will definitely keep the colorful store in mind down the road when Trenton is ready for his second haircut!

Trenton's first refrigerator art.

Trenton's mullet is back!
What a big boy sitting in the barber's chair!

Mommy makes sure he doesn't jump out of the chair.
Trenton was distracted by the toys.

It's done! Look how cute he is!

Trenton is proud of his first "official" haircut certificate and shows it off with GiGi!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hiking The Indian Seats

To conclude our Valentine's weekend, we took a day trip up to Cumming. Our friends Stephanie and Wayne live there and Will, their baby-on-the-way will be here any day. We wanted to wish them good luck, see the nursery, and return some borrowed items. We look forward to our meeting Baby Will real soon!

After our visit, we continued through Cumming to the Indian Seats. The weather was warming up as spring approaches, and we were anxious to get a good hike in. Trenton had a new child carrier so it was a good chance to test it out. Little did we know, his reaction would be this excited! He was beyond himself bouncing in the carrier and his smile was a mile wide! Yes, he is a happy baby, but words couldn't describe this much excitement! It was cute to see!

Trenton pounded "giddy-up" on Daddy's back in excitement before Daddy even had the carrier strapped.

Trenton smiled from ear to ear while hiking.

Trenton loved being up high and seeing everything around him. He was part of the gang!

Our future little hiker enjoyed reaching the Indian Seat and looking out to the town below.

Trenton, Daddy, Mommy

Trenton fells asleep during our descend down the mountain.

Trenton and Opa hung out after the hike.

Granna and Opa giving Trenton his Valentine's Day!

Trenton loved his mini camping chair and Valentine's sock monkey!