Sunday, February 26, 2012

Buzz Glider

Mommy thought she had bought a kite for Trenton, but we learned it was a glider when Daddy put it together.  Nevertheless, Trenton had a great time throwing Buzz and letting him soar through the air.  Pretty soon, Daddy and Trenton were wrestling on the grass, not just throwing the glider.  Trenton loves to prove how strong he is to all of us. "I'm strong!  I do it!" he constantly recites. 


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Woody Pajammies

It has been such a warm couple days reaching the 70's in February.  We weren't really equipped with summer pjs yet since all ours are footed, fleece ones.  Then, we realized we had the thin, non-footed Woody jammies from Uncle Ryan, Aunt Suzy, Riley, Chase and Hutch.  Trenton got a kick out of being Woody and he looked so darn cute running around the house in delight as one of his favorite characters! 

Coastin' Down My Coaster

Trenton loves his coaster!  His favorite part is riding it backwards and screaming in excitement as his pushes himself all the way across the driveway to the fence.  He then flies forward straight at you, and we created a game where Mommy has to jump out of the way right at the last moment before he runs her over.  He loves it!  (It also encourages him to push the car back up the roller coaster by himself--aren't I smart?!) 

 Thanks GiGi and PaPaw for such a fun toy! It is perfect for my driveway!

 Backwards is the way to do it!
Here is Trenton loving every moment!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


We went with the Vasells to the circus.  Trenton was very serious through it all.  Guess he was taking it all in and relatively calm sitting in laps for the duration of the show.  The flaming person catapulted across the arena was a bit too much for me to expose a 2 year old to; however, the traditional elephants and clowns were exactly what was pictured.  Hopefully, he didn't get any crazy ideas!  :)

 The best part was the elephant demonstration.
 Trenton liked the people on stilts that were doing all sort of basketball slam dunk tricks. 
 The ring of death was very entertaining.
 Trenton, don't try this at home!
The grand finale was full of life.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Outdoor Fun

Everyone who knows Trenton knows exactly how special the outdoors are to him.  He is all boy for sure!  We often go on treasure hunts looking for sticks, rocks, acorns, anything that he finds fascinating in nature.  He sticks were an obvious favorite this day. 

 Trenton has his truck to put his treasures in, but most of the time he tries to carry each and every one of them.  And when he drops any along the way, he gets so flustered and just doesn't understand why ten items cannot fit in his little hands. 

 This, most definitely, is a Leskoven expression!  Tongue to the side of the mouth means you are in deep concentration.  Opa did it serving in tennis, Mommy did it shooting free throws.....and the gene continues.
 Trenton saw I was taking a picture and knelt down saying cheese.  Do you think he is used to a camera? :) 
 Trenton and Granna with bubble wrap, another fun item for Trenton.
 Trenton jumping through hoops. 

North Pointe's Carousal

Trenton seemed excited to ride carousal at first, but then was ready to get off before the ride even stopped.  We tried!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Trenton's newest favorite movie is Bolt.  For Valentine's Day, Granna and Opa got Trenton his very own stuffed animal Bolt.  Now, not only can he enjoy the movie, but he can race Bolt around the house.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


I'm not quite sure how or where it started, but Trenton likes to pretend he is a robot (or as he says, bebot.)  He walks and performs all motions stiff like a robot, so he obviously has seen one and grasps the concept of a robot.  The other place we have seen it with him is on one Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show.  Perhaps he is a quick learner, and of course, that doesn't surprise us because we think he is brilliant (leave it to parents and grandparents!)  One of his recent robot days was at Granna and Opa's house where he turns a trashcan upside down on his head and parades around being a "bebot."  It is funny to see and even more hilarious to hear him say.  Cute moments like these will not last forever so we have to cherish them!  We are definitely loving every moment of Trenton's exploration/learning stage of life!

 Here is where he tells us bebot will be right back.
Trenton Wagers---aka Bebot

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tough Mudder

Mild, winter weather didn't describe this past weekend.  A bitter, cold front blew in with the high's, which had been in the 60's, maybe reaching 40 and the lows in the teens.  What a weekend for that!  Daddy and Mr. Hank had their "man weekend" running the Tough Mudder.  The four hour, 11 mile race was through ice water and fire, over ramps and under wire, across rings and ditches.  It was just about the craziest thing anyone could have done, especially the second weekend in February!  They said it took awhile to stop their teeth from chattering and warm their body back up to normal body temperature.  Nevertheless, they claim the Tough Mudder was fun and had a good time running it. 

 Looking tough before leaving for the race.
Trenton chills comfortably INDOORS and WARM with Opa.  If only he knew what he Daddy was up to!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our Bird Watcher

Trenton loves playing with Granna and Opa's binoculars.  Together, on the front or back porch, they search for birds and nests, and Trenton will tell you all about it.  He loves to talk about the birds and their nests and then how they eat.  His complete sentences amaze us all.  It was as if overnight he went from a few words at once to forming complete (and often times hysterical!) sentences that keep us all smiling.  Trenton also loves when Granna lets him help her fill the feeders.  They sure enjoy their house in the woods! 

 Trenton was funny because he would always bend his knees to look through the binoculars.  It was his bird watching stance. 
 They set up fort for the day's adventure outside. 
 "Where are the birds?" he would ask.  Then respond, "I know, I know.  They eat!"
He would stare in wonder at the woods in front of him.  You can't help but wonder what all he is thinking about.