Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Morning

The Easter bunny came and the boys found all the eggs hidden in the living room.
 The boys' baskets.
 They dig into their baskets immediately. 
 Trenton liked all his presents.
 Bennett found an egg! 
They open the eggs, but weren't a big fan of the reeses eggs. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gardenside Egg Hunt

The Gardenside egg hunt was postponed due to rainy weather last weekend to this weekend.  What did that mean for us?  Dual hunts in a day, and Trenton loved it!  We hooked Bennett into the Trike and walked over to the neighborhood park for the fun.  Bennett enjoyed watching all the activity and Trenton, of course, loved gathering eggs. 
Getting ready for the neighborhood egg hunt.  I love Bennett's bird hair!
Trenton always does this to Bennett.  He certainly loves him and will show it through his hugs and kisses.
Bennett likes the phone on the Trike.
Let the hunt begin!
Kendall and Trenton open their eggs.
Then, sweet Kendall helps Trenton make an egg necklace.  He wasn't too enthralled.

Easter Weekend

Trenton is ready for the church's Easter egg hunt.  He killed time by acting like he was in a trap with his Easter basket.
 This year, he definitely knew how to wait patiently until the start of the hunt.  Then he was off! 
He had so much fun gathering eggs and turn around to make sure we were watching him.
 Along with Mommy and Daddy, Bennett, Granna, Opa were there watching.
Easter bunny pictures.  Trenton always loves mascots.  Bennett is still indifferent about them.
 Here is a look of our boy's first shiner.  Of course it happened the Friday before Easter weekend.  According to Trenton, he slid head first down our slide and knocked into a riding toy at the bottom. 
 The church has all kind of activities along with the hunt.  Some people were making balloon characters.  Trenton enjoyed playing with his bunny on a stick.  Others gave out goodie bags.  His favorite item inside was the chocolate egg.  He was not too excited about the marshmallow peep chick inside.   
The Park on Polk at our church is the best place for family time.  We always enjoy the activities there, as do the boys.
 Bennett had more fun with water bottles than eggs this Easter.

Granna and he sat on the hillside while the rest of us followed Trenton around as he explored the park.
He gathered dandelions, which he claims are like my flowers from when I got married.  They remind him of the picture of Kevin and me from our wedding day that has my bouquet with yellow calla lilies.  He says I'm a princess in that picture--he's so sweet!
Climbing on tree stumps.....
 then leaping down.  He wanted Opa to do it with him.   Bennett has also acquired the Leskoven sideways tongue.  Such a concentration behavior. 

Once a Helper, Always a Helper!

Time to install the baby gate.  I'm so thankful to have two workers!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Dentist-2nd trip

Trenton received a stellar report from the dentist.  He was the easy going, enthusiastic patient all dentists want they claimed.  They were so amazed by his willingness to do anything and everything they asked and his curiosity about it all.  They asked if he was always like this, and my reply was, "Pretty much."  He told them his mom's camera wasn't as big as theirs during the x-rays when they took him back for pictures.  His charm and wit keeps everyone smiling.  It is such a blessing that Trenton is not needy and is one outgoing fellow since I have a 9 month year old to look after at the same time.  He is the opposite right now and seems to be experiencing a bit of separation anxiety. 

Recent 3 yr old dental I remember down the line for Bennett.  Trenton has moved on to fluoride toothpaste and has to spit.  (A little bummer to children who like to suck off the toothpaste before brushing!)  We could see his permanent teeth on the x-ray behind his baby teeth.  There was adequate spacing between teeth.  He had absolutely no plaque build up or cavities.  We'll continue flossing.   
What kid loves every moment at the dentist?  This kid!

Monday, March 25, 2013


Do you remember Trenton's obsession with Hank?  Well, I can't say Bennett is obsessed but he has begun to play with the little figurine.  Luckily we have several around the house so Trenton doesn't mind one bit. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

48 Hours

It was a cold, rainy weekend.....again!  Nevertheless, it was full of good, memorable times.  From goofy and curious to serious and careful, I think we covered them all in the matter of 48 hours.  (Sorry that so many pictures have us in pjs--it's just easiest when you don't go outside!)
Trenton skated laps around the ottoman.  Bennett chased a balloon around staying out of his way! 
What happens when you store wrapping stuff in your 3 year old's closet and he isn't ready to go to bed?  Anything!  Trenton didn't want to go to bed this night and figured out a way to sneak out of his room. 
 Remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?  Well, as of this weekend, it is a new favorite interest.  He puts his sword in his shell and walks around. 
No way to get them both to look and smile at the camera in the same picture.  Haha--here's two photos!  Palm Sunday was special because the children get to wave palm leaves as they walk into church for the children's time.  Trenton always gets such a kick out of all the church's cute, fun activities, and he absolutely loves seeing us sitting in the pew when he walks in!  His faces lights up!  I'm so glad he loves Marietta First as much as we do!  If you are looking for a church home, please try it!
 And then they both look, and the lighting isn't that great on that side of the porch.  Oh well! 
 Of course the boys did not fall asleep on the drive home from church this Sunday.  Trenton grazes at the rain before digging into the pile of toys. 
 Bennett found a pompom.  Oh what fun!
 Cars can drive anywhere, don't ya know?
 Bennett is right there with Trenton these days.  He often messes things up for him but Trenton is learning to deal with it or go to a higher location.
We dyed Easter eggs once Bennett went to bed.
The secret is 2/3 cup water and a kool-aid packet.  Worked good for us!  As soon as you dropped them in, you could go back to the beginning and pick them up immediately.  No waiting for color to soak in.  Time is of essence with a 3 year old.  ( case you try it.  Yellow and pink should sit longer for color to be bolder, and purple looks black--don't know how to fix that one.)
 Trenton could dip them himself.
 And you know he was having a good ol' time by that silly face!
 He found these glasses in a drawer.  They were from an old Halloween costume.  He called himself a professor and danced around looking at himself in the mirror.
Momma's Pinterest Easter week lunch idea.  Each egg is filled with a different food.  (One is actually one of the hard boiled eggs we dyed.  Can you find it?)  We will see how he likes it, and if we continue it past Monday. :)