Saturday, November 30, 2013

Football Afternoon

We pulled out tailgating food for the football games.  Here's momma's attempt at the turkey snack.  It looked much better on Pinterest....haha!  Oh well!  It was still eaten and that's what is important.  We took a little intermission at halftime to finish cleaning up leaves and the flower beds and then enjoyed a Chili bar afterwards. 
 Everyone helping me.
 My lame turkey. 
 Trenton and Chase were big helpers, bagging the leaves with Daddy and PaPaw.
 Bennett tried to do his share, too. 
 They all had fun playing in the mound of leaves. 
Bennett on the phone with AJ trying to figure out what the heck is going on in the Alabama game.  I believe I am still in shock over the loss.  On the other hand, I'm glad Georgia pulled off the win in double overtime.  We saw Hutson Mason play several times in high school at Lassiter that it's neat to watch him at UGA now. 

Day 30: This Challenge

I am thankful for this month and the 30 day challenge!  I fell behind at times, but always had something to write about.  It was a good opportunity to reflect on meaningful things to me.  I never do it enough.  I have truly been blessed and never want to take anything for granted!

Ikea Mission

Ikea is a great store, but it can be overwhelming.  However, this Sat. we had nothing to do.  Our boys were getting over the flu, and I was afraid to take them to our scheduled birthday party and holiday party for fear that they might spread germs.  I will not be that mom!  So Kevin and I (Well, really me because the toys were driving me nuts!) decided to take a quick trip to Ikea for another playroom storage shelf.  We had received Christmas checks from Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Les & Karen and thought this would be the perfect way to spend the money.  The rest of the day was spent putting away Christmas decorations, assembling the shelf and reorganizing the toys.  I'd say it paid off!  I was very happy with the end result!
 Trenton playing at Ikea.  He loves this canopy chair.!
 The boys "helping" Daddy assemble the book shelf.
 The playroom with the newest shelf addition.
 It matches perfectly with our previous shelf from the old house.
They boys are happy with their neat and tidy playroom.  Trenton knows each crate has a theme and where things go now.  He might not be the best at always picking up after himself, but at least he knows.  :)

Morning at Thompson Park

Dressed warm in their game day hoodies, we ventured to nearby Thompson Park for a morning walk before football began.  We loved showing GiGi and PaPaw this hidden jewel. 
 Roll Tide                                                                            Sic 'Em Dawgs!
 GiGi ready to walk with her grandkids.
 Trenton and PaPaw being king of the mountain.  The boys were bundled for the ride.  It was cold!
Seated in the tree chair.  Periodically, there were these carved out chairs along the trail.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Ikea Animals

 Ikea is a cool place, but I feel very overwhelmed there.  I have the worst feeling of claustrophobia in the world.  I feel like the maze of aisle traps me in the store.  However, they have cool things for great prices.  We had the best of both worlds when our company came home from Ikea with 2 elephants, 2 dogs and 2 shark stuffed animals.  The kids pretty much carried them around with them the rest of the weekend. 
Watching The Incredibles.  It's Trenton's newest found love as a movie.
Bennett cute as can be!  He is actually beginning to some what watch tv.....well for a 2 min. period, but that's progress.

Day 29: Screened in Porch

I am thankful for our screened in porch.  It is a place we can hang out as a family.  Today was easily 10 degrees warmer than yesterday, the perfect amount to enjoy the outdoors.  We turned the game on, sat on the lounge chairs and watched Bennett play in the sandbox (while T napped.)  We simply relaxed.  He comes and goes to us feeling comfortable in the setting.  Bennett soon went to bed and then Trenton woke just in time to enjoy the porch a little more.  We curled under the blanket and read books with the heater blowing on us (it had certainly cooled down!)  We're grateful for this area of our house.  The screened porch offers gorgeous sunsets, which remind me of nature's beauty, and space to hang out as a family.  I feel blessed to enjoy both of these in the comfort of my home.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Day

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving this year!  It was nice to host the event at our new house for both sides of the family.  We split up the food, making the work even better for me.  Kevin smoked the turkey perfectly on the Green Egg.  I made the homemade yeast rolls and sweet potato casserole.  My mom prepared the cornbread dressing, broccoli/corn casserole, and pecan pies.  Brenda made homemade noodles, cranberry sauce and pumpkin muffins.  Ryan baked pumpkin pies.  We pretty much covered the field.  Although Suzy and I ran a 6 mile turkey trot that morning, after lunch, we walked the neighborhood to burn off more of our delicious meal.  Thanks everyone for making the effort to celebrate Thanksgiving with us! 
Bennett and PaPaw
Kevin done smoking the turkey and ready to carve it.
My friend made these adorable plates for the kids.
We had the best place setting!  Everyone could fit in one room!  We love our big kitchen table!
Bennett and GiGi
Aunt Suzy, Bennett and Daddy watching football.
Chase, Hutch and Trenton play outside before lunch.
They were so fun to watch.
The boys couldn't take their eyes off them when I tried to take a picture of my two.  Hey, at least they are both looking up. :)
Trenton-3, Chase, 4, Hutch-almost 2, Riley-6, Bennett-1
The kids ate nicely at thier table.
Bennett wanted to sit down at the kids' table instead of his high chair.  Fine with us.  He actually ate the best of any of them!  He is a great eater!  I hope I don't jinx it!  Trenton used to be, but has settled in to the "kid" type of food routine in the recent year.
The dining room was used as the buffet to build your plate.
Chase and Bennett played while Trenton napped.  They loved playing in the hats.
Bennett was in awe of Suzy playing peekaboo with him.
Bennett and Opa
Look about right?  Full bellies lead to one thing.....naps!  They skipped out on the nap to catch some zzz's.
Bennett kept PaPaw from falling asleep by taking on and off the knight helmet.
The kids and their handprint turkey crafts.  They loved using the dot markers for the feathers and googly eyes on its face.

Day 28: In Laws

I am thankful for my in laws.  They are the sweetest people and actively involved in our lives.  Not everyone can say that about their in laws, that's for sure, and I feel honored to be their daughter-in-law.  I'm grateful they make an effort to visit their grandchildren, even though they live hours away.  They're kind, generous, and supportive to our family's needs.  In a heart beat, Kevin's dad is fixing things around the house, and his mom comes prepared with yummy food and energy to watch the boys.  I admire their ability to fit everything in.  I know their time is precious and they are busy people traveling and working, but I appreciate the role they play in Trenton and Bennett's childhood as well as our lives.  They certainly have helped us out in numerous situations and we are blessed to have their involvement, wisdom and cooperation.   

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 27: Cousins

I am thankful for cousins.  Trenton, especially, anticipates the arrival of his cousins.  They have a special bond.  He knows it's a time of constant play, lots of laughter and fond memories.  Riley will nurture and guide the boys.  Chase will act silly and play hard with the boys.  Hutch will watch and get into mischief with the boys.  Each is so unique, but the way they interact together is unforgettable.  It makes me smile and I feel so blessed that Trenton and Bennett have these special people in their lives. 

I remember thinking the same thing growing up.  I loved seeing my cousins.  I only have four.  Two on my mom's side and two on my dad's side, but that is plenty.  When we went to see Jay and Jennifer my memories are mostly around their house and their pool.  We played endlessly there!  I remember Jay putting my swimsuit on backwards, Jennifer toting me around on her hip, squeezing into the pull out sofa bed in the game room....lots of fun memories!  When we got together with Laura and Andrew, I remember making dance routines with Laura and acting like a little mama with Andrew.  We goofed off, entertained ourselves and had a blast!  Cousins definitely bring friendship and family to a new level.  

Still to this day, I look forward to any chance to get together with them.  I admire each of my cousins and am grateful for them for various reasons.  Jay is a role model to me as he raises his family.  Jennifer always has time to update me on Texas happenings and send me random texts.  She always makes me feel remembered.  Laura I admire for her sense of independence living up in New York and for following her dreams.  Andrew always makes me laugh and has good stories to tell.  He's my baby cousins, although he's in his twenties and towering over me.  I wish I could see them all more often!

 First fire of the season.  Kevin did a great job with it.  It was so cozy!
 Trenton holds on tight at he rides tandum with Chase.
 They rode forever on the plasma cars.
 Bennett and Hutch played in the playroom.
 Pajama picture......little Bennett was already asleep.
Riley read Trenton his bedtime story.