Monday, May 28, 2012

4 More Pool Days

Not only did we open the pool, we broke it in!  Trenton spent 5 consecutive days enjoying the water and splashing around.   We had to carry him away screaming and kicking one day because he was not wanting to go home and nap.  Somehow 3 hours was just not enough pool time that day!  These Gardenside kiddos are going to have a blast this summer! 

Memorial Day ice cream social

Friday, May 25, 2012

Momma's Little Helper

Trenton enjoyed testing out his new watering can.  We watered the new flowers Daddy planted on our day off.  It was fun!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pool Season

Trenton and I were on a trike ride down to the playground.  Our president happened to be swapping the pool closed sign to open and the gate was propped open.  That was all it took.  Trenton was pool-bound!  I had to convince him that Daddy would take him later.  That boy did not forget!  The instant Kevin walked in the door, pool was all that came to Trenton's mind.  We enjoyed our 7:30 swim with some neighborhood friends, and although the water seemed cool for the beginning of the summer, Trenton didn't mind one bit. 

 Daddy looks a little cold!
 I think he likes it!
 Maddox and Trenton
 Trenton and Daddy
Bundled up and ready for home.  I think he is cold now. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Slow and steady

We made it to full term and learned today that we are 4 cm. getting closer. We are taking things day by day because we hear with a second labor can come on faster than the first. Kevin is waiting for the,"honey it's time." speech and has a contraction app on his phone. I, on the other hand, am growing more uncomfortable by the day. I did finally pack my hospital bag today in preparation. We go back next Wednesday. Stay tuned.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Golfing Like My Dadda

Lately Trenton has enjoyed getting out his golf clubs.  We actually lost a ball down a burrow.  Who knows what animal is trapped by the golf ball!  He wanted Dadda to get out his clubs, too, and join in the fun.  These boys will be out on the greens before we know it!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Rolly Polly

Look close.  It is a rolly polly!  My brother and I loved these growing up so I introduced them to Trenton today while out on the back patio.  He loved touching it so it would curl up tight into its little ball.   These would be fun, harmless critters to capture for his bugcage. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sitting on Go

We are sitting on go right now.  I over doubled in progress since last week (3 cm and 70% effaced for those who know what those terms mean) and am about ready to pop--literally!  Officially, we are 36 1/2 weeks.  37 weeks defines a full term baby so we are very close to avoiding a preemie status.  Although there is no concern at this time, the lungs are the organ still developing during these last few weeks of pregnancy.  We pray they are strong and ready for the outside world, whenever that should be. 

I'm feeling good and still teaching and chasing Trenton around in the afternoons, although I am having to ask him to wait on Mommy a bit more.  :)  Trenton is overjoyed to meet the baby.  Daily we talk about the baby in preparation and he seems so engaged and curious.  He is going to be Mommy's little helper, or so we hope!  So overall, we are ready, but the thought of going into labor this time and my water breaking--possibly in the classroom!-- is a bit intimidating.  (I was induced with Trenton.)  That part makes me nervous, but I am so anxious to meet this little kickaroo, that that emotion surpasses all others. 

Thanks for all the texts/email and checking up on us. Our next appointment is next Tuesday, May 22nd--if we make it.  :)

Sand, Sand, Sand

Trenton thoroughly enjoys his sandbox.  He had been in the habit of burrying little figurines, but today I put my feet in their for him to burry.  (I figured that was as close as I was getting to the beach for a little while!)  He got a kick out of covering them up with sand. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day.  It is a day that has become more meaningful to me as I've gotten older.  I always appreciated my mom and did special things for her to celebrate the day, but now that I am a mom myself, I really see what it takes to be a mom.  It is even more special this May because our 2nd baby is due any day now.  Thank you Mom for always being there and sacrificing for us.  Thank you Brenda for constantly supporting us and traveling the distance to visit.  And thank you Kevin for giving me the opportunity to be a mom.  I absolutely this job--there is no greater joy!   God bless moms everywhere!  Ok, so that kind of sounded like I was giving a speech at the Grammy's, but I seriously mean it.  :)
 Mommy and Trenton
 Mommy (9 months pregnant!) and the baby-to-be!
Trenton comes to pat the baby.  He is funny.  Now when he sees a baby he says, "Shhhhh....sleeping.  Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe." as he tip toes around delicately.  At least he realizes you have to be quiet around babies some of the time. 
 We beat Granna and Opa home from church so when Trenton heard the garage doors, he ran to hide.  It is either like this or hands over the face in the open to surprise the person. 
 Opa, Granna and Trenton 
Trenton likes to drawing or "work" as he often calls it now.  He must have a pad of paper and writing utensil near. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bike Ride

It was an overcast Sat.  Perfect still for playing outside.  While Mommy unpacked storage boxes searching for missing baby items, Daddy took Trenton on a bike ride around our neighborhood and the ones behind us.  He loved it!  We quickly learned that he had outgrown his old helmet, though, as we geared him up for the adventure.  So, we adjusted Mommy's helmet for Trenton.  It worked fine.  This hobby will probably become their special outing together, especially when the baby arrives and Trenton is in need of some one-on-one time with Daddy! 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Relay for Life

From Grandparents/Parents to Aunts/Uncles and friends, we Relay for many people.  We all have personal connections to the cancer community and enjoying honoring/remembering all those individuals.  It was fun for Trenton to join me at Cobb's Relay for Life again this year.  He enjoyed removing the stakes marking camp sites but through some Momma guidance, we created another game with the dirt.  Grace and Trenton enjoyed the dirt so much that we eventually put them in charge of filling the luminary bags.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hair Cuts

Trenton is really good about getting a hair cut.  The Buzz Lightyear car, I'm sure, has nothing to do with it!  :)  He cooperatively does as you ask and tinkers with all the knobs and buttons inside the car while getting his new do.  Yes the head turns all which ways, but he stays seated.  And, apparently he remembers what comes at the end of these hair cut sessions....lollipops!  Just as the stylist is winding down, he begins asking about them.  What a memory! 

Monday, May 7, 2012


Delivery day that is, and we learned it is closer than we thought.  Our original due date was June 9; however, it was bumped up to delivery by June 2 (at 39 weeks) to avoid a c-section early in the pregnancy.  At today's appointment, Dr. Street told us she didn't think we'd make it to Memorial Day.  The baby is ready and I'm already progressing.  Wow!  That is a little intimidating since it sounds like I will actually go into labor this time and not be induced.  However, it is comforting to know she estimates the weight to be about 5lbs so the baby sounds healthy in size.  Since it doesn't appear I will make it to my initial goal of the end of the school year (post planning-May 30), my new goal is May 24th, the last day with the kids and 5th grade graduation.  God has His plan, though, so we know it will work out to whatever is best for both the baby and Mommy.

I do feel relieved for our busy, but productive, month of April.  I am thankful we were adamant and devoted towards potty training Trenton, and that his transition from the crib to the big boy room/bed was so smooth!  It was perfect timing it sounds like, and we hope no regression takes place after the little one arrives.  We also just bought newborn clothes (boy and girl) preparing for take home outfits from the hospital and big brother presents for Trenton each day we are at the hospital that are wrapped and in hiding.  As of today, we got a move on the recall items from the baby #1 that we had put off since they weren't in use anymore.  We probably should have done this awhile ago--oops--but the pressure was on after today's appointment!  Regardless, the new battery for the video monitor is in the mail and the pump is a-ok. We'll use those items right off the bat probably.  We have almost all the other infant items ready for baby minus a couple essential items Daddy will get from storage this weekend (carseat and little lamb seat--definitely need those!)

Please keep us in your thoughts as the delivery approaches.  We pray the baby remains healthy and everything goes as smoothly as possible.  Will keep you updated after our weekly doctor visits.  Our next appointment is next Tuesday, May 15th.  Thanks!

New Bath Fun

New found bath joys are bubbles and colored water.  This easy fun has added spark to bathtime! 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kentucky Derby/Cinco de Mayo

Lots of outside time today and lots of sweat!  We realized we need another haircut--gotta get that this week!  After only 5 mins outside, Trenton's hair was soaked.  We had fun playing while waiting for the Spivas to come over.  Once here, the boys went off doing whatever boys do.  From fort play inside Trenton's closet to the sandbox outside, they had a blast together.  (We learned the next day that the water table was full of sand--leave it to boys!) 

 Trenton loves his bubble rocket......
 and his bug box.......
 and his t-ball set..........
 and chalk.............
 and his Mommy!  Daddy put together an outdoor toy box after this day because we are constantly running back into the garage for more toys.  It is from one activity to the next.
 The tacos only lasted a minute before the Trenton and Hudson were getting their fishing pole ready. 
 Then, they were back outside in the sandbox again.
A popsicle cooled them down as their after dinner treat.

Rollins' 1st Birthday

Rollins had a super cute 1st birthday.  Off the Sesame Street theme, there was Oscar's Trash Can toss, Counting with the Count, Bert and Ernie's Ducky Adventure, Building Bird Feeders with Big name it, the party covered it.  All the kids, especially the older 2 year olds had a blast.  Way to be creative! 

 Trenton makes his pinecone bird feeder.  It was so much fun he actually made two!
 Mr. Justin helps Trenton and Sawyer count the items with the Count.
 I think Daddy was having more fun with the bubbles than Trenton.  Other games caught Trenton's attention.
 Playing in the water with the duckies was right up the little kids alley!
When Elmo visited, the excitement grew. 
 And how precious are these food platters off Oscar and Elmo!